-Tuesday 15th: This was the first day of online lessons, I think they went pretty well other than the fact i struggled to get into the second lesson. We were taught how to make this website and told what kind of things needed to be put on it, mine is still a work in progress as this is the first time I've ever made a website but this is definitely good practice for the future as I want to create my own business at some point in my near future. I need to get some pictures put up for the workshops as evidence of doing them but I will do that very soon.
-Wednesday 16th: At the beginning of the day we had a health and safety activity where we had to go around the theatre and find safety hazards, I think I got most of them other than one or two because I didn't look around the back, which I will do next time. Then we had a little more sewing practice as we needed a proper example piece for our portfolios, I feel like I did a decent job of it other than having a bit of a wonky seam on one end. Most of the rest of the day was spent doing research for our Alice project, I mainly focused on doing my character development of the mad hatter. We also had one on ones with Mel to go over our feelings on the course and what we wanted to do next.
-Thursday 17th: This was the day we had our read through of the script with the whole class, I had to read the part of Alice's mum and the part of the wonderbander, I wasn't really comfortable with speaking in front of everyone but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The rest of the day was spent doing more research for Alice which I carried on doing at home afterwards.
-Target: My target for next week is to try and straighten up my seams a bit in sewing, and I think I can accomplish that if I just go a bit slower. I also need to get more pictures for the workshop section of the website.
I don't think the heights target from last week is going to be accomplished any time soon but I am trying.