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Year 2: 22nd - 24th March 2022

Tuesday 22nd: Updating blog and website.

Wednesday 23rd: Our teacher wasn't in as she is sick so the staff were a bit stretched out, I got a little bit of painting done on the flat in the workshop, got the chairs out the shed and went to the production meeting for Cloud 9. The meeting was useful in the sense that I now know mainly everything I need now and a lot of the things I need to do are fairly simple and can be done quickly, like getting the right glasses and switching out trays. I have some champagne glasses at home that would be right for the show, so I will bring them in next week. We decided on the paint colours for the floor, so now they can be ordered. It was nice to be doing something that is actually my show, I don't mind doing the painting for the dance show but it means that my days in college are filled with the same thing over and over again and its not what I am ultimately going to get graded on. It's taking up all my time while I'm in, which means I haven't had time to do things for my own show, and they are going to be expecting thing to be made soon enough.

Thursday 24th: Since there wasn't enough staff I could do any practical work, and yet again the college laptops did not work for me, so I couldn't really do much. I got the design for the other flats draw up, so that can be put onto the flats and start getting painted. I couldn't do anything else so I went home early.

Target: Focus on my own show, at least get the cake done, then I can go back to helping with the painting.

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